Chemicals and poisons should also be avoided when attempting to conceive because they might affect hormones. It is recommended that you consume as much organic food as possible to avoid such exposure. Additionally, smoking and recreational drug use can disrupt the egg’s DNA and should be avoided.
Prioritizing self-care and reducing stress is critical during your reproductive journey. Stress causes the release of hormones such as prolactin and cortisol, which might have an impact on egg quality and production. Meditation, acupuncture, yoga, spending time with pets and loved ones, and putting sleep first are all examples of self-care activities that can reduce stress.
Morphology, or structure. Normal sperm have oval heads and long tails that combine to drive them forward. While not as significant as sperm quantity or movement, having more sperm of normal form and structure increases your chances of being pregnant.
You can take simple efforts to improve your chances of producing healthy sperm. For example:
Maintain a healthy bodyweight. According to some research, rising BMI is associated with a decrease in sperm count and mobility.
Eat a nutritious diet. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables, which are high in antioxidants and may help increase sperm function.
Prevent STIs. Sexually transmitted illnesses such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are a cause of infertility among men.
To protect yourself, limit your number of sexual partners and use a condom every time you have sex – or stay in a mutually monogamous relationship with a non-infected partner.
Manage your stress.
Stress can impair sexual function and disrupt the hormones required to make sperm.
Start moving. Moderate physical activity can boost the amounts of potent antioxidant enzymes that help protect sperm.
Sperm can be particularly vulnerable to environmental conditions such as high temperatures or harmful chemicals. To preserve your fertility:
Do not smoke. Men who smoke cigarettes have lower sperm counts. Smoking can also slow sperm motility and cause sperm to become malformed. If you smoke, seek your doctor for help quitting.
Limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Heavy drinking can cause low testosterone levels, impotence, and decreased sperm production. If you decide to drink alcohol, do so in moderation.
Avoid using lubricants during sex. While more research is needed to determine the effects of lubricants on fertility, consider avoiding them during intercourse.
Consider using baby oil, canola oil, egg whites, or a fertility-friendly lubricant like Pre-Seed.
Consult your healthcare practitioner about drugs. Calcium channel blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, anti-androgens, and other drugs may cause reproductive problems.
Anabolic steroids can produce the same effect.
Cancer therapy.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer can decrease sperm production and produce infertility that may be permanent. Ask your doctor about the influence on your fertility, as well as the option of extracting and preserving sperm prior to treatment.
Take precautions against poisons. Pesticides, lead, and other pollutants can impair sperm quantity and quality. If you have to work with poisons, do so safely. Wear protective gear and equipment, and keep chemicals away from your skin.
Keep it cool. Increased scrotal temperature can reduce sperm production. Although the benefits have not been fully demonstrated, wearing loose-fitting underwear, spending less time sitting, avoiding saunas and hot tubs, and limiting scrotum exposure to heated things, such as a laptop, may improve sperm quality.
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