
Lifestyle Changes

How can you prepare for pregnancy?

It is crucial to prepare yourself for pregnancy so that you have the best chance of having a healthy kid.

Visit Your Doctor

The first thing you should do is visit your doctor for a health checkup. You will require a medical examination, including a blood pressure check, a breast exam, and an up-to-date pap smear.

Have regular pre-pregnancy blood testing to confirm you are immune to rubella, measles, mumps, and chicken pox. Your companion should undergo the same screenings.

Check your iron, vitamin D, and B12 levels.

Check your thyroid, as it can be connected to infertility and miscarriage.

Get checked for celiac disease, which has been related to infertility and miscarriage.
You should also get a urine test to look for bacteria that can impair your fertility. Chlamydia/gonorrohea/ureaplasma/mycoplasm

Start a pre-pregnancy or pregnancy vitamin

There are numerous pregnant supplements on the market. Ask your doctor for a recommendation on the best vitamin for you. Your pregnancy vitamin should contain iodine (which is essential for thyroid function and brain development in the baby) and at least 400mcg of folic acid. Patients with hyperactive thyroids should avoid taking folic acid.

Fish oil and omega 3 fatty acids should also be consumed because they can assist your baby’s brain develop.

No.1 Fertility 12 Pre-pregnancy tips

1. See your doctor for pre-pregnancy check-ups and blood tests, including a thyroid check.
2. Start taking a pregnant vitamin.
3. Use an ovulation kit to time ovulation.
4. Engage in regular sex around ovulation.
5. Maintain a regular exercise routine. 6. Consume organic foods.
7. Maintain a healthy weight, BMI 20-25.
8. Use sperm-friendly lubricants. 9. Avoid smoking.
10. Limit or avoid alcohol. 11. Manage stress through meditation, exercise, sleep, yoga, and acupuncture.
12. Reduce Caffeine.

Change your lifestyle

A poor lifestyle can reduce your chances of becoming pregnant and harm eggs, sperm, and kids.

Smoking reduces your chances of conceiving, harms your egg bank, and affects the quality of your eggs and sperm. It may cause permanent health problems for your baby, such as childhood malignancies.

If either of you smokes, we strongly advise you to consult your doctor for assistance on how to stop.

Alcohol – There are no rules for consuming alcohol safely while attempting to conceive, thus it is advisable to quit drinking if you are trying to have a baby.

If you drink alcohol while pregnant, it can harm the quality of your eggs and sperm and cause permanent harm to your kid.

Caffeine is found in tea, soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolate, green tea, and coffee. It is associated with decreased fertility and an increase in miscarriage. Try to limit your caffeine intake to 200mg per day (approximately 2 cups of coffee or 2-3 cups of tea).

Diet – Being healthy before conception enhances your chances of becoming pregnant and lowers the risk of birth abnormalities. Your diet should include a variety of fruits and vegetables (preferably organic), complex carbs (apples, beans, peas, whole grains), healthy protein (quinoa), and healthy fats (avocado). Calcium should be included in your diet, either through low-fat milk or calcium supplements.

Avoid fatty takeaway foods and mercury-rich fish (such as shark, mackerel, swordfish, and certain tuna). Avoid diet soft drinks and drinks heavy in sugar. Try to eat organic.

Weight – Being overweight or underweight can influence your chances of becoming pregnant. Being overweight is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy issues such as miscarriage, abnormal infants, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

If you are overweight or underweight, consult your doctor for help.

Exercise can help you conceive in a variety of ways, including reducing stress and maintaining a healthy weight. Try to workout for 45 minutes five days per week.

We understand that making lifestyle changes can be tough, so please contact one of our nurses or counsellors if you require assistance!

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Dr Sarah Oosman (MBBS, MRCOG)

Secunderabad women's Hospital

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